Beihai weivirus-like virus 1
Average proteome isoelectric point is 7.9
Get precalculated fractions of proteins
pI < 6.8
pI > 7.4
Note: above files contain also dissociation constants (pKa)
Virtual 2D-PAGE plot for 2 proteins (isoelectric point calculated using IPC2_protein)
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* You can choose from 21 different methods for calculating isoelectric point
Summary statistics related to proteome-wise predictions
Protein with the lowest isoelectric point:
>tr|A0A1L3KL70|A0A1L3KL70_9VIRU RNA-dependent RNA polymerase OS=Beihai weivirus-like virus 1 OX=1922738 PE=4 SV=1
MM1 pKa = 7.6 LSALAPSPLWAHH13 pKa = 6.5 HH14 pKa = 6.32 LHH16 pKa = 6.99 PDD18 pKa = 3.74 CLAAAYY24 pKa = 9.3 EE25 pKa = 4.37 RR26 pKa = 11.84 DD27 pKa = 3.84 GAWEE31 pKa = 4.26 VEE33 pKa = 4.14 THH35 pKa = 5.51 EE36 pKa = 4.19 PRR38 pKa = 11.84 VRR40 pKa = 11.84 TLLGAFRR47 pKa = 11.84 ARR49 pKa = 11.84 LFGSSGVTTTRR60 pKa = 11.84 ITLTEE65 pKa = 4.02 KK66 pKa = 10.7 EE67 pKa = 4.36 FAKK70 pKa = 10.94 LMDD73 pKa = 3.51 VAKK76 pKa = 9.73 QHH78 pKa = 6.16 LMAEE82 pKa = 4.37 AKK84 pKa = 10.36 EE85 pKa = 4.24 KK86 pKa = 10.68 VLRR89 pKa = 11.84 AAVNMEE95 pKa = 4.16 ANGLWRR101 pKa = 11.84 TGSVEE106 pKa = 4.16 HH107 pKa = 6.66 VGLKK111 pKa = 10.37 ALAPDD116 pKa = 3.48 MVIRR120 pKa = 11.84 CAVGAQVTDD129 pKa = 3.7 ATSVAPLLSAPLLFAAAAYY148 pKa = 7.12 CQPAIARR155 pKa = 11.84 FAVEE159 pKa = 4.02 GLRR162 pKa = 11.84 WLAKK166 pKa = 9.91 RR167 pKa = 11.84 CFEE170 pKa = 4.1 VPFWEE175 pKa = 4.47 KK176 pKa = 8.63 EE177 pKa = 4.16 TRR179 pKa = 11.84 SLVMLLEE186 pKa = 4.33 GVYY189 pKa = 10.48 APEE192 pKa = 3.99 TRR194 pKa = 11.84 VVQGWPRR201 pKa = 11.84 PRR203 pKa = 11.84 APVIMAVCGFGWVGVCLWRR222 pKa = 11.84 SYY224 pKa = 11.77 NEE226 pKa = 3.89 VAQIWTSTYY235 pKa = 10.0 RR236 pKa = 11.84 PSTRR240 pKa = 11.84 RR241 pKa = 11.84 RR242 pKa = 11.84 RR243 pKa = 11.84 AGGGAEE249 pKa = 4.33 APPQGGEE256 pKa = 3.77 VGVRR260 pKa = 11.84 RR261 pKa = 11.84 EE262 pKa = 4.06 PGGAEE267 pKa = 4.09 ARR269 pKa = 11.84 DD270 pKa = 4.01 EE271 pKa = 4.34 PAPLPPGPPPPPAPPPAPAILAPPALAILAPPPALAILDD310 pKa = 4.54 RR311 pKa = 11.84 EE312 pKa = 4.54 PEE314 pKa = 4.13 DD315 pKa = 3.94 APAPEE320 pKa = 4.05 VEE322 pKa = 4.34 MRR324 pKa = 11.84 EE325 pKa = 4.19 QEE327 pKa = 4.25 QSTVAARR334 pKa = 11.84 VEE336 pKa = 4.07 EE337 pKa = 4.52 SEE339 pKa = 5.23 DD340 pKa = 3.56 LVLQEE345 pKa = 3.21 PHH347 pKa = 5.04 GRR349 pKa = 11.84 YY350 pKa = 7.91 RR351 pKa = 11.84 TVEE354 pKa = 3.77 VGGEE358 pKa = 3.99 RR359 pKa = 11.84 VHH361 pKa = 7.06 VVLGQDD367 pKa = 3.41 YY368 pKa = 11.13 DD369 pKa = 3.69 KK370 pKa = 11.26 DD371 pKa = 3.86 APRR374 pKa = 11.84 DD375 pKa = 3.34 RR376 pKa = 11.84 APRR379 pKa = 11.84 VGALTGPSQKK389 pKa = 10.2 PPNVYY394 pKa = 10.9 SNTKK398 pKa = 9.88 KK399 pKa = 10.82 NIIAAIYY406 pKa = 9.58 HH407 pKa = 5.69 RR408 pKa = 11.84 LEE410 pKa = 4.82 LKK412 pKa = 10.56 SKK414 pKa = 9.04 PCKK417 pKa = 8.97 FTAADD422 pKa = 3.28 KK423 pKa = 10.93 RR424 pKa = 11.84 KK425 pKa = 9.47 IGKK428 pKa = 8.79 FVAAAISNKK437 pKa = 10.35 GIFSRR442 pKa = 11.84 KK443 pKa = 8.77 RR444 pKa = 11.84 VEE446 pKa = 3.32 AWFRR450 pKa = 11.84 KK451 pKa = 9.97 HH452 pKa = 6.84 FDD454 pKa = 2.91 ITEE457 pKa = 3.93 WRR459 pKa = 11.84 SKK461 pKa = 9.98 KK462 pKa = 9.29 WSLEE466 pKa = 3.9 RR467 pKa = 11.84 IVQMIEE473 pKa = 3.86 RR474 pKa = 11.84 LLCQVDD480 pKa = 3.34 PEE482 pKa = 4.49 FRR484 pKa = 11.84 LNTAVKK490 pKa = 10.5 AEE492 pKa = 4.32 DD493 pKa = 3.65 MPEE496 pKa = 4.15 GKK498 pKa = 9.76 SPRR501 pKa = 11.84 FLIADD506 pKa = 4.08 GDD508 pKa = 4.15 AGQVMALAAIKK519 pKa = 10.44 CIEE522 pKa = 4.46 DD523 pKa = 3.6 LLFEE527 pKa = 4.49 AFEE530 pKa = 4.08 EE531 pKa = 4.53 HH532 pKa = 6.93 SIKK535 pKa = 10.68 HH536 pKa = 5.27 AGKK539 pKa = 9.06 RR540 pKa = 11.84 DD541 pKa = 3.3 AVARR545 pKa = 11.84 LVGHH549 pKa = 5.86 MRR551 pKa = 11.84 VPSKK555 pKa = 10.42 RR556 pKa = 11.84 RR557 pKa = 11.84 RR558 pKa = 11.84 HH559 pKa = 5.29 GFCFVEE565 pKa = 4.65 GDD567 pKa = 3.36 GSAWDD572 pKa = 3.95 TTCNEE577 pKa = 4.25 TVRR580 pKa = 11.84 GLIEE584 pKa = 4.22 NPVIAHH590 pKa = 6.04 VGAIIAEE597 pKa = 4.28 MGLVPASWVKK607 pKa = 10.62 AHH609 pKa = 6.54 EE610 pKa = 4.65 KK611 pKa = 10.33 VNQSKK616 pKa = 10.51 KK617 pKa = 10.25 YY618 pKa = 10.16 KK619 pKa = 10.3 LFFKK623 pKa = 10.46 KK624 pKa = 9.94 FHH626 pKa = 5.83 EE627 pKa = 4.47 VLRR630 pKa = 11.84 KK631 pKa = 9.32 EE632 pKa = 3.76 IPAIRR637 pKa = 11.84 RR638 pKa = 11.84 SGHH641 pKa = 6.31 RR642 pKa = 11.84 GTSVLNYY649 pKa = 8.32 WVNFAMWVCSLFEE662 pKa = 4.33 APEE665 pKa = 4.18 KK666 pKa = 10.79 FLDD669 pKa = 3.56 PEE671 pKa = 4.16 VRR673 pKa = 11.84 SGVDD677 pKa = 3.11 VAGMDD682 pKa = 2.82 RR683 pKa = 11.84 WFFGGFEE690 pKa = 4.38 GDD692 pKa = 3.51 DD693 pKa = 4.01 SGVQTAPRR701 pKa = 11.84 LIAVSDD707 pKa = 3.74 EE708 pKa = 3.65 DD709 pKa = 4.22 RR710 pKa = 11.84 AALRR714 pKa = 11.84 AGQKK718 pKa = 9.14 QASDD722 pKa = 4.08 LAQGDD727 pKa = 3.95 PFITEE732 pKa = 4.33 SVVKK736 pKa = 10.56 ASAEE740 pKa = 3.88 ALDD743 pKa = 3.73 FWDD746 pKa = 4.25 RR747 pKa = 11.84 GGFNMKK753 pKa = 9.98 FVFASRR759 pKa = 11.84 RR760 pKa = 11.84 ATMVGMHH767 pKa = 6.55 LHH769 pKa = 6.97 LSNDD773 pKa = 3.51 NGNTEE778 pKa = 4.13 PSGLFCPEE786 pKa = 4.25 LPRR789 pKa = 11.84 GIGKK793 pKa = 8.79 NVSCSPAILAAIEE806 pKa = 4.32 SGCLRR811 pKa = 11.84 EE812 pKa = 4.21 VKK814 pKa = 10.36 KK815 pKa = 10.65 IAAAANLARR824 pKa = 11.84 AADD827 pKa = 3.87 YY828 pKa = 11.24 AGILPTVSNKK838 pKa = 9.73 YY839 pKa = 10.01 KK840 pKa = 10.46 EE841 pKa = 4.15 YY842 pKa = 10.89 ADD844 pKa = 4.41 RR845 pKa = 11.84 LDD847 pKa = 3.61 AGNYY851 pKa = 6.99 QDD853 pKa = 5.83 RR854 pKa = 11.84 EE855 pKa = 4.15 MAMHH859 pKa = 6.75 VDD861 pKa = 3.53 GEE863 pKa = 4.46 EE864 pKa = 4.15 GVTAVDD870 pKa = 3.24 VRR872 pKa = 11.84 EE873 pKa = 4.29 RR874 pKa = 11.84 IEE876 pKa = 4.13 LLNSSVTPADD886 pKa = 3.58 EE887 pKa = 4.2 EE888 pKa = 4.32 DD889 pKa = 3.82 RR890 pKa = 11.84 LAKK893 pKa = 10.37 LLYY896 pKa = 10.59 SADD899 pKa = 3.79 EE900 pKa = 4.81 DD901 pKa = 3.65 EE902 pKa = 4.45 MQRR905 pKa = 11.84 FKK907 pKa = 11.35 DD908 pKa = 3.97 YY909 pKa = 11.28 LWDD912 pKa = 4.45 FSNLDD917 pKa = 3.38 DD918 pKa = 4.27 HH919 pKa = 7.18 AGYY922 pKa = 9.47 HH923 pKa = 6.4 ASLPAAWRR931 pKa = 11.84 AGGSVV936 pKa = 2.91
Molecular weight: 103.23 kDa
Isoelectric point according different methods:
IPC2.protein.svr19 6.453
IPC2_protein 6.453
IPC_protein 6.517
Toseland 6.664
ProMoST 6.956
Dawson 6.927
Bjellqvist 6.927
Wikipedia 6.912
Rodwell 6.927
Grimsley 6.781
Solomon 6.927
Lehninger 6.927
Nozaki 7.234
DTASelect 7.307
Thurlkill 7.351
EMBOSS 7.322
Sillero 7.337
Patrickios 4.609
IPC_peptide 6.942
IPC2_peptide 7.0
IPC2.peptide.svr19 6.841
Protein with the highest isoelectric point:
>tr|A0A1L3KL70|A0A1L3KL70_9VIRU RNA-dependent RNA polymerase OS=Beihai weivirus-like virus 1 OX=1922738 PE=4 SV=1
MM1 pKa = 6.68 TRR3 pKa = 11.84 SRR5 pKa = 11.84 AARR8 pKa = 11.84 RR9 pKa = 11.84 PQRR12 pKa = 11.84 GNAAQAAPKK21 pKa = 9.43 RR22 pKa = 11.84 QPAPRR27 pKa = 11.84 PAPRR31 pKa = 11.84 RR32 pKa = 11.84 AGARR36 pKa = 11.84 RR37 pKa = 11.84 QRR39 pKa = 11.84 RR40 pKa = 11.84 GGNARR45 pKa = 11.84 GRR47 pKa = 11.84 GVDD50 pKa = 4.4 LFDD53 pKa = 4.81 PRR55 pKa = 11.84 NTMLVPSVVSEE66 pKa = 3.91 GMAFPMGGSAVRR78 pKa = 11.84 PFNAGTTYY86 pKa = 10.82 RR87 pKa = 11.84 SLIAVTNTGSSGSILSWLQNAATPSTGVDD116 pKa = 4.05 TIPLLSLADD125 pKa = 3.9 DD126 pKa = 4.59 AGGPTAGRR134 pKa = 11.84 AMKK137 pKa = 10.56 AGITIVNRR145 pKa = 11.84 TQNLNKK151 pKa = 10.02 GGQVTVLNAVQRR163 pKa = 11.84 VLLPAAPSALTQAQWDD179 pKa = 4.08 TFLSKK184 pKa = 10.69 VVSHH188 pKa = 7.15 PSSTIYY194 pKa = 10.9 DD195 pKa = 3.62 GTDD198 pKa = 3.3 FAKK201 pKa = 10.35 PKK203 pKa = 10.26 TFICHH208 pKa = 6.9 PLDD211 pKa = 3.17 QTDD214 pKa = 3.55 YY215 pKa = 10.51 LKK217 pKa = 11.23 YY218 pKa = 10.46 GGWHH222 pKa = 5.68 GTDD225 pKa = 3.16 TLDD228 pKa = 4.68 EE229 pKa = 4.64 FWSHH233 pKa = 4.9 IAIWPGHH240 pKa = 5.85 NPDD243 pKa = 4.24 SRR245 pKa = 11.84 PMSTIFVVIEE255 pKa = 3.84 QPAVQNAYY263 pKa = 8.02 EE264 pKa = 4.12 LKK266 pKa = 10.68 ARR268 pKa = 11.84 ARR270 pKa = 11.84 YY271 pKa = 5.43 YY272 pKa = 10.02 TRR274 pKa = 11.84 WPLDD278 pKa = 3.43 SVGGQAQGVVPTASANVVNAARR300 pKa = 11.84 DD301 pKa = 3.49 RR302 pKa = 11.84 AEE304 pKa = 4.05 ATAHH308 pKa = 6.3 IPRR311 pKa = 11.84 EE312 pKa = 4.2 GAVAAAGAAVMGGLGWVARR331 pKa = 11.84 GARR334 pKa = 11.84 AGAAAIEE341 pKa = 4.39 GAGALMEE348 pKa = 5.05 PLLPMAAMLL357 pKa = 4.61
Molecular weight: 37.62 kDa
Isoelectric point according different methods:
IPC2.protein.svr19 9.339
IPC2_protein 9.706
IPC_protein 10.73
Toseland 10.701
ProMoST 10.555
Dawson 10.804
Bjellqvist 10.584
Wikipedia 11.082
Rodwell 10.847
Grimsley 10.862
Solomon 10.979
Lehninger 10.921
Nozaki 10.672
DTASelect 10.584
Thurlkill 10.716
EMBOSS 11.125
Sillero 10.745
Patrickios 10.54
IPC_peptide 10.979
IPC2_peptide 9.633
IPC2.peptide.svr19 8.584
Peptides (in silico digests for buttom-up proteomics)
Below you can find
in silico digests of the whole proteome with Trypsin, Chymotrypsin, Trypsin+LysC, LysN, ArgC proteases suitable for different mass spec machines.
Try MSlow
ChTry MSlow
ArgC MSlow
LysN MSlow
TryLysC MSlow
Try MShigh
ChTry MShigh
ArgC MShigh
LysN MShigh
TryLysC MShigh
General Statistics
Number of major isoforms
Number of additional isoforms
Number of all proteins
Number of amino acids
Min. Seq. Length
Max. Seq. Length
Avg. Seq. Length
Avg. Mol. Weight
Amino acid frequency
13.766 ± 1.034
1.237 ± 0.45
4.95 ± 0.352
6.342 ± 1.927
3.403 ± 0.546
7.966 ± 0.995
2.243 ± 0.264
3.712 ± 0.033
4.331 ± 0.982
7.579 ± 0.403
2.398 ± 0.19
2.862 ± 0.498
6.961 ± 0.283
2.784 ± 0.666
7.966 ± 0.206
5.336 ± 0.257
4.486 ± 1.183
7.657 ± 0.307
2.088 ± 0.06
1.933 ± 0.013
Note: For amino acid frequency statistics the error has been estimated with the bootstraping (x100) at the protein level
Most of the basic statistics you can see at this page can be downloaded from this CSV file
For dipeptide frequency statistics click here